Got simple GUD output working
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 39 additions and 243 deletions
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
(require 'eglot)
(require 'jsonrpc)
(require 'gud)
(defgroup gudap nil
"Interaction with Debug Adapter Protocol servers."
@ -50,28 +51,40 @@
:initform (make-hash-table)
:accessor gudap--sent-requests) ;; seq to request command
:initarg :gud-buffer
:accessor gudap-gud-buffer)
:initform 0
:accessor gudap--next-seq)))
(defun gudap--test ()
(let* ((dap-process (make-process :name "lldb-vscode"
:buffer (generate-new-buffer "lldb-vscode")
:command '("lldb-vscode")
:connection-type 'pipe
:filter 'gudap--process-filter
:coding 'utf-8-emacs-unix))
(conn (make-instance gudap-connection
:name "lldb-vscode-conn"
:process dap-process)))
(process-put dap-process 'gudap-connection conn)
(setq gudap--current-connection conn)
(gudap-send-request conn 'initialize nil)))
(defvar gudap-server-programs
'(((elixir-mode elixir-ts-mode) . ("elixir-ls-debug"))
(c++-mode . "lldb-vscode")))
(defun gudap (server-command)
(gudap--connect server-command))
(defun gudap--connect (server-command)
(let* ((nickname server-command)
(readable-name (format "GUDAP (%s)" nickname))
(gud-buffer (gud-common-init "cat"
(lambda (_file args) args)
(lambda (m) (gudap--message "%s" m))))
(dap-proc (make-process :name readable-name
:buffer (generate-new-buffer readable-name)
:command (list server-command)
:filter 'gudap--process-filter
:noquery t
:connection-type 'pipe
:coding 'utf-8-emacs-unix))
(conn (make-instance 'gudap-connection
:name readable-name
:process dap-proc
:gud-buffer gud-buffer)))
(process-put dap-proc 'gudap-connection conn)))
(defun gudap--cleanup ()
(kill-process ((gudap--process gudap--current-connection)))
(setq gudap--current-connection nil))
(cl-defgeneric gudap-send-request (server command arguments))
(cl-defmethod gudap-send-request (server (command (eql initialize)) arguments)
@ -81,7 +94,6 @@
(list :type "request"
:command "initialize"
:arguments (gudap--initialize-arguments))))
(cl-defgeneric gudap-handle-response (server type body))
@ -89,13 +101,21 @@
(gudap--message "%s" body))
(cl-defmethod gudap-handle-response (server (type (eql initialize)) body)
(gudap--message "initialized: %s" body))
(gudap--message "initialized"))
(cl-defgeneric gudap-handle-event (server event body))
(cl-defmethod gudap-handle-event (server event body)
(gudap--message "%s" message))
(cl-defmethod gudap-handle-event (server (event (eql output)) body)
(let ((gud-process (get-buffer-process (gudap-gud-buffer server))))
(&key category output group variablesReference source line column data)
(pcase category
("console" (gud-filter gud-process output))))))
(cl-defgeneric gudap-handle-request (server command arguments))
(defun gudap--initialize-arguments ()
@ -122,7 +142,6 @@
"Message out with FORMAT with ARGS."
(message "[gudap] %s" (apply #'format format args)))
;; JSONRPC-ish handling
(defvar gudap--in-process-filter nil
@ -238,229 +257,6 @@
(process-send-string (gudap--process conn) content))
(setf (gudap--next-seq conn) (1+ (gudap--next-seq conn))))
;; (defvar gudap-server-programs
;; '(((elixir-mode elixir-ts-mode) . ("elixir-ls-debug"))))
;; (defvar gudap-launch-args
;; `(((elixir-mode elixir-ts-mode) . (("phx" . ,(lambda (project)
;; (list :type "mix_task"
;; :name "phx.server"
;; :request "launch"
;; :task "phx.server"
;; :projectDir (file-truename (project-root project)))))))))
;; (defvar gudap--connections-by-project (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
;; "Keys are projects. Values are dap connecections.")
;; (defvar gudap--cached-connection nil)
;; (defun gudap-reset ()
;; (interactive)
;; (clrhash gudap--connections-by-project)
;; (setq gudap--cached-connection nil))
;; (defun gudap (managed-major-modes project _class contact language-id &optional interactive)
;; (interactive (gudap--guess-contact))
;; (let* ((current-conn (gudap-current-connection))
;; (live-p (and current-conn (connection-live-p current-conn))))
;; (if (and live-p
;; interactive
;; (y-or-n-p "[gudap] Live process found, reconnect instead? "))
;; (gudap-reconnect current-conn interactive)
;; (when live-p (ignore-errors (gudap-shutdown current-conn)))
;; (gudap--connect managed-major-modes project 'dap-connection contact language-id))))
;; (defun gudap--guess-contact ()
;; (let ((eglot-server-programs gudap-server-programs))
;; (eglot--guess-contact t)))
;; (defun gudap--lookup-launch-args (mode)
;; (let ((eglot-server-programs gudap-launch-args))
;; (eglot--lookup-mode mode)))
;; (defun gudap-shutdown ()
;; (interactive)
;; (let* ((conn (gudap-current-connection)))
;; (if (dap-process conn)
;; (kill-buffer (process-buffer (dap-process conn))))
;; (if (comint-process conn)
;; (kill-buffer (process-buffer (comint-process conn))))
;; (remhash (eglot--current-project) gudap--connections-by-project)
;; (setq gudap--cached-connection nil)))
;; (defun gudap--connect (managed-modes project class contact language-id)
;; (let* ((nickname (project-name project))
;; (readable-name (format "GUDAP (%s/%s)" nickname managed-modes))
;; (dap-proc (if (integerp (cadr contact))
;; (open-network-stream
;; readable-name
;; (generate-new-buffer readable-name)
;; (car contact)
;; (cadr contact)
;; :sentinel 'dap--server-sentinel
;; :noquery t)
;; (make-process :name readable-name
;; :buffer (generate-new-buffer readable-name)
;; :command contact
;; :sentinel 'dap--server-sentinel
;; :noquery t
;; :connection-type 'pipe
;; :coding 'utf-8-emacs-unix)))
;; (comint-name (format "%s SHELL" readable-name))
;; (comint-proc (make-process :name comint-name
;; :buffer (generate-new-buffer comint-name)
;; :command nil
;; :noquery t))
;; (conn (make-instance class
;; :name readable-name
;; :dap-process dap-proc
;; :event-dispatcher 'gudap-event-dispatcher
;; :response-dispatcher 'gudap-response-dispatcher
;; :comint-process comint-proc
;; :launch-args (alist-get managed-modes gudap-launch-args nil nil #'equal))))
;; (set-process-filter dap-proc 'dap--process-filter)
;; (setq gudap--cached-connection conn)
;; (process-put dap-proc 'dap-connection conn)
;; (process-put comint-proc 'dap-connection conn)
;; (puthash project conn gudap--connections-by-project)
;; (gudap--init-comint conn)
;; (dap--send-initialize conn)))
;; (defun gudap--init-comint (conn)
;; (let ((buffer (process-buffer (comint-process conn))))
;; (with-current-buffer buffer
;; (comint-mode)
;; (setq-local comint-input-sender #'gudap-comint-receive)
;; (setq-local comint-prompt-regexp "^> ")
;; (setq-local comint-use-prompt-regexp t))))
;; (defun gudap-comint-receive (proc message)
;; (message message))
;; (defun gudap-comint-send (conn message)
;; (comint-output-filter
;; (comint-process conn)
;; (format "%s\n" message)))
;; (defun gudap-event-dispatcher (conn message)
;; (cl-destructuring-bind (&key event body &allow-other-keys)
;; message
;; (cond
;; (
;; (equal event "output")
;; (gudap-comint-send conn (plist-get body :output)))
;; (
;; (equal event "initialized")
;; (dap--send-all-breakpoints conn)
;; (dap--send-config-done conn)))))
;; (defun gudap-response-dispatcher (conn message)
;; (cl-destructuring-bind (&key command request_seq body &allow-other-keys)
;; message
;; (cond
;; (
;; (equal command "setBreakpoints")
;; (gudap--verify-breakpoints conn message)))))
;; (defun gudap--verify-breakpoints (conn message)
;; (cl-destructuring-bind (&key request_seq body &allow-other-keys)
;; message
;; (let* ((bp-results-vector (plist-get body :breakpoints))
;; (bp-results (append bp-results-vector nil)) ;; convert to list
;; (bp-path (gethash request_seq (breakpoints-req-seq conn)))
;; (pending-bps (gethash bp-path (breakpoints conn)))
;; (valid-bps (gudap--validate-breakpoints pending-bps bp-results)))
;; (puthash bp-path valid-bps (breakpoints conn))
;; (remhash request_seq (breakpoints-req-seq conn))
;; (message "breakpoints validated"))))
;; (defun gudap--validate-breakpoints (bps bp-results)
;; (if (/= (length bps) (length bp-results))
;; (error "Breakpoints and breakpoints results must be the same length."))
;; (let ((bp (car bps))
;; (bp-result (car bp-results)))
;; (cond
;; (
;; (null bp)
;; '())
;; (
;; (plist-get bp-result :verified)
;; (cons bp (gudap--validate-breakpoints (cdr bps) (cdr bp-results))))
;; (
;; (not (plist-get bp-result :verified))
;; (gudap--validate-breakpoints (cdr bps) (cdr bp-results))))))
;; (defun dap--send-breakpoints (conn path breakpoints)
;; (puthash (next-seq conn) path (breakpoints-req-seq conn))
;; (dap-connection-send
;; conn
;; (list :seq (next-seq conn)
;; :type "request"
;; :command "setBreakpoints"
;; :arguments
;; (list :source `(:path ,path)
;; :breakpoints (vconcat breakpoints)))))
;; (defun dap--send-all-breakpoints (conn)
;; (maphash
;; (lambda (path bps)
;; (dap--send-breakpoints conn path bps))
;; (breakpoints conn)))
;; (defun gudap-current-connection ()
;; "Return logical Gudap server for current buffer, nil if none."
;; (setq gudap--cached-connection
;; (or gudap--cached-connection
;; (gethash (eglot--current-project) gudap--connections-by-project))))
;; (defun gudap-launch (conn)
;; (interactive (list (gudap-current-connection)))
;; (let* ((launch-keys (mapcar (lambda (elem) (car elem)) (launch-args conn)))
;; (launch-key (read-from-minibuffer "What launch config to use? "
;; launch-keys))
;; (launch-args (funcall (alist-get launch-key (launch-args conn) nil nil #'equal) (project-current))))
;; (dap--send-launch conn launch-args)))
;; (defun dap--send-initialize (conn)
;; (let ((message (list :seq (next-seq conn)
;; :type "request"
;; :command "initialize"
;; :arguments (list :adapterID "dummy"
;; :supportsProgressReporting t))))
;; (dap-connection-send conn message)))
;; (defun dap--send-launch (conn launch-args)
;; (let ((message (list :seq (next-seq conn)
;; :type "request"
;; :command "launch"
;; :arguments launch-args)))
;; (dap-connection-send conn message)))
;; (defun dap--send-config-done (conn)
;; (let ((message (list :seq (next-seq conn)
;; :type "request"
;; :command "configurationDone")))
;; (dap-connection-send conn message)))
;; (defun dap--server-sentinel (proc event)
;; (let ((conn (process-get proc 'dap-connection)))
;; (remhash (eglot--current-project) gudap--connections-by-project))
;; (setq gudap--cached-connection nil))
;; (defun dap-connection-send (conn message)
;; ;; (message "\nSending message:\n")
;; ;; (pp message)
;; ;; (message "\n")
;; (let* ((json-object-type 'plist)
;; (json (jsonrpc--json-encode message))
;; (headers `(("Content-Length" . ,(format "%d" (string-bytes json)))))
;; (content (cl-loop for (header . value) in headers
;; concat (concat header ": " value "\r\n") into header-section
;; finally return (format "%s\r\n%s" header-section json))))
;; (process-send-string (dap-process conn) content))
;; (setf (next-seq conn) (1+ (next-seq conn))))
(provide 'gudap)
Add table
Reference in a new issue